Monday, February 2, 2009

A dream is a dream

Last night I had an interesting dream. I don't remember much about it other than I was in some dark, dank and dilapidated building in which there was some kid who had been kept there his entire life. Maybe he was a ghost, I'm not really sure. I experienced the same reality and events in the dream twice. Both times I was with a handful of people, at least one of whom was a police officer, and we'd hear this god-awful tormented shriek and we'd go in search of it. We knew it was this boy/ghost. I wasn't afraid rather concerned.

Mike Cameron was in the dream as well. Except the part of the dream that he kept on showing up in was not in that run down building but in front of the Regent Appartments here in Whitewater.

Dreams are interesting. Really interesting.

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